2017 A1708 820-00840 no video no back light and no chime sound

Hello, I followed this post as close as possible because it sounded a lot like I have on this one

Below are my results so far, help!!

820-00840-a short on ppbus_g3h

R5400 pin 2 short

U7420 removed short gone have 13v now on ppbus_g3h

all main rails are there but no sound or video or backlight or external video

PPVCCCPU_S0G no volts and no short should be around 1v?

Tried switching u6100 bios chip but did not change, not sure if the other bios chip was good pulled from another parts board

USB storage dongle flashes steady

Plt_rst_l 0v no short .380 diode

I have the same voltage results the other person had except for the ones above.

CPU does get warm but not hot.

I forgot to mention that the caps light never comes on.

That is what I was thinking, thanks for confirming my suspicion.

Do you think it would be worth trying to heat up the CPU with some flux? What temperature and time frame would be good to try from your point of view?

Thanks again for your help!