Search results

  1. rob777

    [SOLVED]820-3209 pp3v3_s3

    no corrosion anywhere I could find under scope. After looking at the schematic though and having fixed another one recently the same way I came to the conclusion to change the lcd cable on this one too. Low and behold problem solved. Second time an lcd cable has fixed something. Really confused...
  2. rob777

    [SOLVED]820-3209 pp3v3_s3

    Laptop would power on and got a screen on external monitor. No screen on laptop and no trackpad but keyboard does smc resets. Started measuring power rails, found pp3v3_s3 is only 1.5v wherever I measured. Obviously. Ended up at R7811, looked shit. Changed it. Laptop worked screen came on...
  3. rob777

    820-3023 U6100 Help

    Thanks again for putting up with me and trying to help out. Appreciation to the max! In diode mode Pin 1 05.73 Pin 2 05.70 Pin 5 05.70 Pin 6 05.70
  4. rob777

    820-3023 U6100 Help

    Hey guys, bought myself another laptop to try and repair. Board doesn't chime, found some corrosion around u6100. Have my important power rails and have green/orange light on charger. Removed u6100, pads still ok put it back on as have nothing to change it with. Same readings before hand and...
  5. rob777

    [SOLVED] 820-3476 Help a beginner

    For fuck fucking sake. It's fixed. These things don't chime when you turn them on. Have tested on 3 others now. My problem was the lcd cable. I changed lcd cable. Still didn't chime. Swore a few more thousand times looked at laptop and low and behold. It's fucking working. Perfectly. Thank...
  6. rob777

    [SOLVED] 820-3476 Help a beginner

    R6110 r6120 test fine. I found that I do have: Spi_mlb_cs_l Spi_mlb_clk Spi_mlb_miso Spi_mlb_mosi Spi_cso_l There were a couple other spi lines I can't remember as well but no problems found. Thanks for your time here though!
  7. rob777

    [SOLVED] 820-3476 Help a beginner

    Giving up. Repairing this is beyond me it seems. Gonna eBay the board as is with NFI what's wrong.
  8. rob777

    Book the tutoring, going to amerika going to get my ass kicked by Louis :)

    I'm in Australia. Really tossing up using the credit card to get over and do the same! Happy learning!
  9. rob777

    Looking for iDevice Boardview files. Been looking tediously but nada so far.

    Have not tried. Wouldn't know how. When you use it it talks to some Hong Kong server, whether or not that means anything to you I have no idea
  10. rob777

    Looking for iDevice Boardview files. Been looking tediously but nada so far.

    Have one also. Is better than nothing that's for sure
  11. rob777

    [SOLVED] 820-3476 Help a beginner

    Was very minor corrosion around c7050 c7060 (above battery connector) and I replaced one of them and got the green light back.
  12. rob777

    [SOLVED] 820-3476 Help a beginner

    Ok so the cpu doesn't seem to be getting ppvcc_s0_cpu Follow it back to U7310 and u7320. They both have very low readings from pins 2,1,8,5. Pin 6 is showing pp5v_s0. But those pins go to a transistor so at pin 2 of L7310 and L7320 I should have 1.8v. But I don't. Gonna leave it for now...
  13. rob777

    [SOLVED] 820-3476 Help a beginner

    I'll continue this tomorrow with a fresh brain and a different approach. Been a 13hr day here, going home to refresh on all Louis's videos again.
  14. rob777

    [SOLVED] 820-3476 Help a beginner

    I'm lost, 5hrs down and counting here.. Determination definitely isn't the issue. Alas I have no idea why the CPU isn't working and I have no idea what to look at next. The vcore power rail exists. Being only my second ever attempt at repairing boards I obviously have a fuck load of learning...
  15. rob777

    [SOLVED] 820-3476 Help a beginner

    Sounds like I need to apply more logic..
  16. rob777

    [SOLVED] 820-3476 Help a beginner

    also seen one of you videos where you describe it as a possible cpu vcore issue? When there is no chime.. Need to try find that vid next I think.
  17. rob777

    [SOLVED] 820-3476 Help a beginner

    hey mate, thanks for the reply. Confidence has gone from sky high to rock bottom here.. To answer your questions, only have thunderbolt to hdmi so can't test that. No there is no question mark folder (LCD doesn't seem to even show a backlight) and when I plug in a USB mouse it lights up for...
  18. rob777

    [SOLVED] 820-3476 Help a beginner

    Hey guys, just diving in to board level laptop repairs here, I purchased a dead water damaged Macbook Air and also this Retina 13in to begin my learning quest. Macbook Air was repaired after hours and hours of watching Louis's videos which I'm absolutely stoked about! Thanks Louis! But now this...
  19. rob777

    CRM or ticketing systems....

    I'm currently setting up repairq in my office, seems a little restricted in places but should make workflow tracking much easier
  20. rob777

    ASD (Apple system diagnostics)

    Thanks very much for this. Been downloading for 3 days and just finished, will seed for as long as possible!