Book the tutoring, going to amerika going to get my ass kicked by Louis :)


Active member
had it comming and didnt want to wait anymore going to Louis on 4/5/6/7/8 july
booking flight atm and hotel.

i wont be bringing sheepie because shes staying at home whit my daughter :)
so happy to be going

flight booked :):):)

btw i dont hope you where recording the telephone conversation Louis, i bet i sounded like a weirdo
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Active member
Air BNB in brooklyn. Ill tel you if it is any good
$240 for 6 nights is not alot imo.

As a birthday gift i got a ticket to the empire state building Floor 86. They must hate me they know i am scared of hights. Haha.

Very eager to go. Specialy after seeing the interview whit michael carvin. Hope to meet inspiring People like that. Or get inspired by Louis the same way.

Remember bring pen and paper,


Active member
No About 3 or 4.
I come to learn not to let you fix my boards.
(Only if you dont have inuf ill bring more ??)


Active member
Yea hope you can do it.
Really cant wait but iTS just 2 days ahead, indeed lucky me.
But for this i really forced Some luck everything i was able to fix and sell i put aside specialy for this.

Hope Louis wil be okay.


I'm in Australia. Really tossing up using the credit card to get over and do the same! Happy learning!


Active member
Thanks Rob

Hope you make it soon.
Looks like he really knows what he is doing. ?
"As test" i gave him a broken dc inboard, and even before i saw it was broken he knew it was broken ???


New member
I'm so envious of you.
Hope I get a ride to Lous next summer.
Being far from Norway to Louis :p
But ganantert worth a visit I think.


Active member
Oke that was my last day Tutoring.
I learned alot, Louis made me do like everything in his q so thats good.
Had alot of fun also.
Just wanne say thanks Louis.
It was great. And if you like ever come near ? Stop by.


Active member
Btw i didnt get kicked. ??????

Seems i did okay, and it gave me a boost so thats good.
Also Louis made me "stop thinking" at a few moments witch did wonders