For $29/mo, we provide access to advanced level technicians who will answer your questions on any Macbook board related matter to the best of their knowledge promptly & walk you through how to solve your problem so you can deliver a working board to your customer.
ok so i injected voltage to that pin and other connected components. nothing getting hot
removed l7520 and short gone. i thought it was the coil. i was obviously wrong
p5vs3_vsw had the short rail
removed q7520 and short gone
now replaced that, and u7501
now getting 3.3v constant and...
Liquid Damage Macbook retina 2015
green light no power
ultrasonic cleaned and made sure it was dry
plugged it in and while measuring smoke came out of the board
q7560 had a hole in it
replaced it with 2013 board (slightly different part number)
anyways same thing just the light...
liquid damage macbook air no power.
p5v_s4rs3_vfb1_r had a broken trace. jumped it and turns on now
but trackpad and mouse dont work
i can do smc reset but just option alone doesnt work
Pin 10: 3.32V
Pin 14: 5.10V
Pin 19: 3.40V
i dont have an extra trackpad and k/b to try. i doubt...
No Title
I changed a new one. Same thing. All connections looks fine.
Heres a before and after of the area. After installing the chip again. I know the connections is what's important. They all look fine.
Liquid Damage Macbook Pro
Originally No green light no power... dead
U3210 was short. removed it and replaced it
U7090 had broken trace. replaced and jumped wire
U7100 had broken trace too. jumped wire and replaced
Now i get green light but doesnt turn on. plug in with battery and it turns...
yes i understand now how this works. ill check it out tomorrow morning. thats for the step by step. and thanks duke
i really need to come see you for private tutoring before my 23rd birthday...