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Only UF500 port cycles within two seconds with 0 amp draw while UF400 draws 0.150amps and takes several seconds to power cycle. Are you sure something in USB-C area does not need to be checked?
Arrived with no power and only 5v with UF500 Port power cycling. Replaced UF500 and UF400 from good donar board but no change. DZF664 had a burn mark on it. Replaced it but also no change. PP3V3_AON i8s 0v. UF400 power cycles as well except stays at 0v 0amp
What should be checked next?
Arrived with bad nands from bad U9580. Replaced nands and U9580 but pp1v8_ssd0 and pp0v9_ssd0 are 0v when battery is connected but when disconnected the voltages are normal.
What can cause this? PPBUS_G3H is 12.60V with batteRY connected and disconnected.,