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  1. K

    820-01598 no power

    DFU restore completes successfully however the board still does not fully boot
  2. K

    820-02020 no power

    What secondary power rails should be checked?
  3. K

    820-02020 no power

    Yes, with F5200 removed there is no power cycling and both ports are 5v 0 amp
  4. K

    820-02020 no power

    Only UF500 port cycles within two seconds with 0 amp draw while UF400 draws 0.150amps and takes several seconds to power cycle. Are you sure something in USB-C area does not need to be checked?
  5. K

    820-02020 no power

    F5200 output pad 0.475 3V8_AON 0.323 3V3 0.376 5V_S2 0.258
  6. K

    820-02020 no power

    12.33v with F5200 removed
  7. K

    820-02020 no power

    Arrived with no power and only 5v with UF500 Port power cycling. Replaced UF500 and UF400 from good donar board but no change. DZF664 had a burn mark on it. Replaced it but also no change. PP3V3_AON i8s 0v. UF400 power cycles as well except stays at 0v 0amp What should be checked next?
  8. K

    820-00244 no power

    U7000 has been changed several times from other donar boards. Should anything else be checked ?
  9. K

    820-01700 no power

    Not detected
  10. K

    820-01598 no power

    What should be checked next?
  11. K

    820-00244 no power

    What should be checked next?
  12. K

    820-01700 no power

    When connected to apple configurator 2 recovery or dfu does not work
  13. K

    820-01700 no power

    Arrived with bad nands from bad U9580. Replaced nands and U9580 but pp1v8_ssd0 and pp0v9_ssd0 are 0v when battery is connected but when disconnected the voltages are normal. What can cause this? PPBUS_G3H is 12.60V with batteRY connected and disconnected.,
  14. K

    820-00244 no power

    When first plugged in PPVIN_G3H_P3VG3H is 1.085v but after a few seconds slowly drops to 0v
  15. K

    820-00244 no power

    changed u7000 from donor board but no change. Still 5v 0 amp
  16. K

    820-01598 no power

    All coils compared looked good. Tried external switch method, ran dfu revive which finished with no errors however no changes
  17. K

    820-01598 no power

    L7702 0.024 both boards. L8102 0.087 bad board 0.056 good board