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    820-01700 No power 20V 0.07A no battery. 20V 2.5A with battery

    Yes, battery is charging. Ok I will try DFU with a good working battery tomorrow.
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    820-01700 No power 20V 0.07A no battery. 20V 2.5A with battery

    Ok. It may sound stupid or I'm being stupid, but I was measuring short to ground in Ohms by setting my multimeter to OHMS and black probe to ground and red probe on the L9580 - P2V5_SW1_TPS62180_SSD0. Before it was showing 4.7ohms. Now it keeps increasing till reach 20.2K. In diode mode L9580...
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    820-01700 No power 20V 0.07A no battery. 20V 2.5A with battery

    Hi guys. I need help, please. Need data on this. Trying to fix this MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019), but no success. Customer stated that before it dies was boot looping and sometimes stuck on Apple logo. With battery, it draws 20V and 2.5A. Without 20V 0.07A. Trackpad clicking, no display. On Apple...
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    820-4924 - Suddenly no power - missing PP5V_S3

    OK. So, do you think this is beyond repair?
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    820-4924 - Suddenly no power - missing PP5V_S3

    PP5V_S4 missing SMC replaced and same results.
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    820-4924 - Suddenly no power - missing PP5V_S3

    Reflowed with Amtech flux, U.S cleaning board and still same
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    820-4924 - Suddenly no power - missing PP5V_S3

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    820-4924 - Suddenly no power - missing PP5V_S3

    PM_BATLOW_L - 3.33V PM_DSW_PWRGD - 3.40V PCH_DSWVRMEN - 2.72V SMC_ADAPTER_EN - 3.37V PCH_CLK32K_RTCX1 - 0.36V PCH_SRTCRST_L - 3.32V PPVOUT_S0_PCH_DCPRTC -0V Diode mode 0.148 PPVRTC_G3H - 3.33V RTC_RESET_L - 3.32V
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    820-4924 - Suddenly no power - missing PP5V_S3

    Checking RAM and CPU voltage because I'm still leaning which lines come first. So, I rather give all information beforehand. PP3V3_S5 - 3.34V Using 60W original MagSafe 2 charger
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    820-02020 - MacBook Pro M1 2020 - blown UC710 (SN621371)

    Hi everyone. This MacBook had liquid damage about 10 months ago. I've replaced a few components and done U.S cleaning and it is back to life. So, now it is back to me with no power: TrackPad clicking and a loud fan. After opening, I found a blown UC710 (SN621371) that I only found the...
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    820-3437 - No display - Fan spinning. Sometimes missing PP5V_S0.

    This skipped from my measurements. I removed L7630, and it measures very low resistance to ground on PP1V05_S0_REG_R. -------------------------------------- L7630 removed. In diode mode PP1V05_S0_REG_R - 0.017 P1V05S0_LL - 0.177 --------------------------------------- PP1V05_S0_REG_R - 0.13Ω...
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    820-4924 - Suddenly no power - missing PP5V_S3

    Hi everyone. Help please No signs of liquid and no physical damage to the board. L7130 - CHGR_PHASE - 12.58V L7195 - P5V1_SW - 3.33V L7430 - PPDDR_S3_REG_R - 0V L7320/10 - CPUVR_PHASE1/2 - 0V L7630 - PP1V05_S0_REG_R - 0V PPBUS_G3H - 12.58V PPVRTC_G3H - 3.33V PP3V3_S4 -0V PP5V_S3 - 0V...
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    820-00163 - PM_SLP_SUS_L Cycling

    I've missed this PP5V_S0 shorted to ground. Basically all CPU phases mosfets, U7701, U7400 and a few more components that get PP5V_S0 is dead. Applying 1V on PP3V3_S5 Chipset U1100 gets hot. I guess this is beyond repair, as I don't have the right tools to replace the chipset. Thanks for your help.
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    820-3437 - No display - Fan spinning. Sometimes missing PP5V_S0.

    Powering the board without battery PPBUS_G3H goes to 8.59V With battery fan spinning and PPBUS_G3H goes to 7.89V. ALL_SYS_PWRGD - 3.32V VCORE - 1.74V U1950 Pin 1 - 3.32V Pin 2 - 3.32V Pin 3 - 3.42V Pin 4 - GND Pin 5 - 3.42V Pin 6 - 3.42V Pin 7 -3.42V All resistors from SPI is ok. I replaced...
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    820-00163 - PM_SLP_SUS_L Cycling

    PIN 40 on Thunderbolt port is related to the line PP3V3RHV_S4_TBTAPWR_F this is 0V at the moment. L7560 - PP3V3_S5 - pulsing L7430 - PP1V35_S3 - pulsing between 0.10V to 0.15V L7195 - P5V1_SW - 5.51V steady L7130 - CHGR_PHASE - 12.55V steady All the other coils has 0V
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    820-00163 - PM_SLP_SUS_L Cycling

    PPDCIN_G3H_ISOL - 16.59V steady(I mixed up with another line on my previous post) PP5V_S3 - 0V PP3V3_S5 - pulsing F7140/41 still good Coils Measurements in diode mode: L3095 - 0.539 L7720 - 0 L7195 - 0.338 L7520 - 0.366 L7130 - 0.458 L7430 - 0.265 L7630 - 0.122 L7870 - 0.334 L7560 - 0.146...
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    820-3437 - No display - Fan spinning. Sometimes missing PP5V_S0.

    Hi everyone. Dealing with this board that does not display, but fan is spinning, battery is dead. Battery replaced, same issue. It had battery replaced a few months ago. It will sometimes not power on and missing PP5V_S0. 99% of the time when it's on and no display, it will have all the...
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    820-00163 - PM_SLP_SUS_L Cycling

    Hi everyone. I need help, please. This mac came as no power after battery run out. Opened and found a little corrosion on the board due to humidity and dust. All cleaned, and I found C9327 0 PPVIN_S5_HS_GPU_ISNS shorted to ground, so CAP replaced, and then I found U8001 shorting PP5V_S5 to...