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Replaced SMC from Donor board same issue
IDK if its related or if SLP S5 is needed before this but the 3v3 and 5v SUS rails are 0v. Missing SUS EN line
This board is not liquid damaged
I have seen 4 3332 that show these same symptoms most liquid damage but this one isnt.
PPBUS G3H is 12.4v
3v42 is 3.42
3.3v S5 is 3.3v
Computer will boot in SMC Bypass with no issue
Has no PM SLP S5 3.3v when charger is plugged in. Reballed SMC and checked...
I dont have a spare here. Ive ordered it but the thing that I don't understand and maybe you can explain it Duke.
If the keyboard is bad why does the PC boot and not turn itself off when the keyboard only is plugged in and the power button functions normally.
I noticed while probing the...
So to recap it will boot if
Keyboard plugged in track pad not
Track Pad plugged in Keyboard not
If both plugged in it will boot then shut off in 2-3 seconds from chime
Im live streaming now of what its doing Duke if youd like to see.
If I plug in the track pad it will boot for 2-3 seconds like chime then backlight then turns off. I cant even get to a menu to see if it works
820-4924 came in for liquid spill.
Opened it up and pulled the board. The board looks almost new. The water indicator is red but the board has no corrosion and very little signs of liquid present.
Cleaned what little liquid residue I could fine. Put it together it works but battery is shot...
820-530 with LD around LVDS area.
Cleaned the board
Replaced LVDS connector
Replaced Backlight fuse
Testing with different known good housing and screen,
I get chime on boot, I get backlight but never get an Image on screen. If I hook up to external I get image.
What should I be looking...
With battery connected I seem to get proper boot everytime so not too worried about the boot without batt being inconsistant.
Issue is down to a temp sensor which ASD shows as being the Internal Die CPU temp sensor having an issue and causing fan to run on high. Is there a way to fix this or...
Im getting boot now Duke but the voltage on inrush going to R7021/22 on intial plug in will go to 16.8 then falls but if I twist the charger connection it will jump back up to 16.8. I have to do this a few times then it will hold 16.8 and boots up fine.
I tried new charger and DCIN board. Not...
Well I feel dumb. The Diode that feeds Charger DCIN pin 2 of U7000 died and wasnt allowed 16v through.
I get boot on SMC bypass so I should be able to swap it and be ready to go.
Now I know what to look for
I confirmed that yes AGATE goes to ground to allow voltage in.
I pulled the chip and ACOK is still there I guess because this is a data line. So charger light is green.
Correct me if Im wrong but you get power on the computer.
3v3 and 3.42 lines come up with the charger.
3v3 feeds the ACOK...
Well Im back to this one. Replaced SMC and getting green light now but still dont have a switch from U7000 to open the inrush mosfet to start making PPBUS_G3H.
This is supposed to switch to ground correct so the voltage divider drops gate voltage low and opens?
Still Dim green light but ACOK and 3v42 present
What doesnt make sense is ACOK is showing up 3.3v but there is no power on the Inrush pins from charger.
The AGate is at 16.7v (DCIN voltage) but the Mosfet is closed. Is this a voltage divider that must go to ground on AGate to make the first...