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The customer said he kept it a long time, but suddenly one day doesn't work ... No water shades ,,,,
I can see the fan is running,
tried to revive but no USB activity was detected. Not booting , Not going to recovery mode....
Here are some voltages after detaching the board
The fan was making a noise, Replaced with an old one, I think the replaced fan had an internal short, I immediately removed the bad FAN, Replaced it with a new one... Now the keyboard is not working anymore... Rest all fine...
PP3V3_G3H_KBD - 3.4 11V
PP5V_S0_KBD - 5.1 V
PP3V3_S4_KBD - 3.3V
I have replaced the Display assembly with a new one and now the client complains that the "CAMERA NOT AVAILABLE " error when he opens the Facetime, What could be wrong?
error - “An error occurred loading the update “
Consistently failing OS update,
I have tried with high speed internet
Tried with new ssd
Image is present, O/P voltage is very inconsistent (I mean fluctuating between 25 and 8.5V) Indeed the backlight also fluctuates, It's not staying a long time for more than 25V.
Is there a way we can identify looking at the pictures which cable is bad on the display assembly?
Sometimes I get the usual backlight cable damage, Physically visible, Then I normally change the cable (I mean patch another cable with the existing cable).
Sometimes I don't see any physical...
I have strongly believed it's a problem with lvds cable, I have changed the cable ..oooopzzz... NO luck.
Checked with a good known LCD - Yes its working.
What would be wrong with this LCD ?
Working fine with an external monitor, Internal display is not detecting, Tried connecting another internal display but still no back light or image.
History - Coffee spilled
Found corrosion on display connector (Not on logic board but on display board). Cleaned it up , Still no change
History:- I got this unit with key board not working and same time extremely slow... External keyboard was working, System was slow even after disconnecting J4500. It was taking too much time to boot.
1) I have tried to clean ME using medusa... That didn't solve the problem
2) I had some...
Log attached:-
Is it FDMF 6808 issue or something else...
I have 8.5V o/p, Seems like boosting is not occurring, Changed the driver IC, The feedback is proper (Checked the continuity from D7701 second pin to A5).
I have 2.8V BKL_EN . I am ....STUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.........................
I am trying to track the voltages, Unfortunately, I couldn't find the right board view file, There are many on the internet, But those are not matching with my Board, I don't know why. Could someone help me?
However, here is the voltages on different inductors (I hope the refdes should not be...
The user said that the system was working fine and suddenly one day its backlight was missing. I can see the laptop has been already opened by someone. Even the display assembly also opened. I have an A1706 display spare for testing, Will it work?. I don't have an A1989 working display to...
Hi ,
I have two laptops with display flex gate issues, It behaves weirdly in particular lid angles. I have found some youtube videos people are extending the cable using additional flex cable. I was just wondering if anyone knows where I can buy this cable for extension?
I have replaced the display panel, Not the full display assembly but just the panel alone, I don't know the reason. The board boots perfectly, It passes the diagnostic test without any error. But the touch panel is not glowing.
Some history:- While removing the display I have disturbed...
I had 8.5V at the boost circuit output, I have changed the backlight driver and wired the missing feedback line. When I connect the feedback wire input fuse is failing, Not sure why. I don't see any short at output