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    820-01700 blown u9580

    Hello everyone, have this board in and it already been verified by some one who found this chip is blown and removed it Not sure what the original issue was. Is there any point in trying to replace it or just scrap the board because ssd will be bad by now? Any places to get this chip? Thank you!
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    A1706/a1708 tcon replacment

    Hello, got a1706 in with display issue: Cold start with no image but backlight is on, if you leave the machine on, after some time you start to see the image: it start to appear with a lot of horizontal lines and after some time ( i presume when tcon heat up) the image is almost good (just...
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    820-3437 donor board serial number

    Hi there, i am swapping a board on a 2017 mac air with a donor one, is it enough to replace the eeprom on it with the original to have the right sn and all the rest or there is more in to it? Or maybe fix the dump from the donor board?
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    820-01958 liquid damage

    Hi all, Have this board in with "no backlight" issue After inspecting i saw that it is a water damage and that most of the damage is around backlight circuit. Replaced affected components, repaired traces, try to power on - all work Power off the unit and went to tea break.. After coming...
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    820-00165 screen is lagging and faded collors

    Hi there, Have this board, on internal screen the graphics are slow(refresh rate) and all colors are faded out. What are the chances the issue is with the lcd? Or is it the board issue?
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    820-00850 stays at 5v

    Hello everyone! Have this board, the story behind says that it felt down while hdmi was pluget and since then, no power. The board was first taking 0v on left side and 5v 0.3amp on the right side ports. After opening up and inspecting, i saw that on the left side usb c cable was actually not...
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    820-00840 PP5V_S4_TPAD_CONN

    Hi all! Have this board with a not working trackpad After inspecting the board i saw that L4800 is melted - no courant that goes to trackpad. It also damaged the tracks under it as well as it have damaged 4830 but not sure if the damage is purely cosmetic or if i will have to find this one...
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    820-01958 shorted cpu or not?

    Hello friends, Got another macbook air in with liquid damage after another shop... There was some, minor water sign on the board, however not sure if there was more before the other shop played with it (overall the board do appear clean: no flux etc) After cleaning and plugging the power, there...
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    820-01598 liquid damage

    Hello everyone! I have 820-01598 board which had some small liquid damage. The board does not boot, how ever aparrently it does charge the battery (the ams goes up when the battery is connected). With the battery discconected, there is 20v@0.04amp and slowly goes to 0.01amp and to 0amp...
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    820-00840 dont see the battery

    Hi all! I have 820-00840 board after liquid damage, the board was not starting but after some good clean it does start and but, seams to work as expected, how ever say the that the battery is not installed. Any tips about where to start looking? Unfortunately i dont have any spares battery for...
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    820-01521 Weird issue

    Hello everyone! Have a weird issue on 2019 macbook air: It does power on, however there is a question marc and while try to online restore the os – no success. It’s either stop on the downloading stage or during the installation. It once even got to the point where it ask you for the...