For $29/mo, we provide access to advanced level technicians who will answer your questions on any Macbook board related matter to the best of their knowledge promptly & walk you through how to solve your problem so you can deliver a working board to your customer.
water damage around camera lvds and wifi. getting only 5v and .04/5 amps on usb c
PP3V3_UPC1_LDO - 3.23
PP3V3_S2_LDO - 0
PP1V5_UPC1_LDO_CORE - 1.583v
PPBUS_AON - 12.29v
3V8_AON - 3.805v
Device came in clean with no liquid damaged. noticed L8430 was burned to a crisp. No shorts on either side so i replaced it and it got burned again. i honestly don't know where to go from here as neither side has a short.
board is pretty clean no liquid damage or corrosion. the keyboard and touchbar both do not work. i have tried with 2 known good topcases still no keyboard.
i have 1.8v power on keyboard while on. diode values on keyboard pins match obdata values on flexboard view. could use a little help on...
Board was liquid damaged. turns on with charged battery. usb c connector was burned so i soldered on a new one. it will now get 20v but will not draw any amps with or without charger. kinda don't know where to start with this one.
board turns on for half second, either see battery logo or apple logo, then disappears with only backlight. i've tried putting in dfu many times but was unsuccessful. is drawing 20v with .22 amps constant.
board is booting up but has no backlight. tried with another screen (although i'm not sure if that was a known good) and still has no backlight. PPvout_s0_lcdbklt isn't short. would appreciate some help on this one.
Got a board that had liquid damage. i replaced q7680 because it was really corroded. laptop turns on but have no trakpad or keyboard. have repalced both with known good topcase.
Can someone please post a working u2890 rom. I don't have a donor to swap, so i just want to reprogram the rom and see if it fixes my issue.
on usb charges and upvolts to 20v other stays at 5v.
Couple of corded capacitors right next to u9850. I want to replace u9850 as well to be on the safe side but when i go to digikey there are two different TPS62180. can someone help me choose the correct one? thanks!
History: laptop came in heavily water damaged. ssd got shorted out so i replaced the board about 6 months ago. this replacement board lasted 6 months and came back no power.
i get 20v and drawing .45-.117amps then resets.
i checked ppbus - 12.6v
so this laptop has sound issues. i don't know how to proceed with this so would appreciate some insight. the laptop always chimes, always get sound on headphones and mic is always working. i get sound for around 15seconds to 2 min of sound on speakers on a fresh startup. after that no...
came in fresh, no liquid damage very clean. no fan spin
ppbus - 8.6v
pp5v0_s5 - 5v
pp3v3_s5 - 5v
pp3v3_sus - 3.3v
pp5v_s4rs3 - missing
pm_slp_s4_l - missing
pm_batlow_l -3.3v
PM_DSW_PWRGD - 1.036v <--- is this the problem line?
PPVRTC_G3H - 3.3v...
Board came in for no power. drawing only 5v 0 amps. i checked all the coils and large caps and found a short on ppbus_g3h. I took off f7000 and injected voltage but nothing is getting hot. (checked with flir). any suggestions on how to find the short?
got a macbook that customer does not remember the 6 digit iclould lock code he put on his laptop. data is very important at this point. i can hit "remove from account" which will turn find my mac off to do a reset but as i said data is super important. what are my options here if any?
board was liquid damged around smc area. i have reballed smc and now have orange/green light
i have 3v42 and ppubs.
i am assuming that this is not turning on because all of my 3v3 lines are pulsing. could you help me figure out why 3v3 is pulsing. could this be because the smc is bad...
board came in with no power not drawing anything on usb monitor. opened up and UB300 was all wavy/bubbly. replaced it and now that side draws 5v .25amps. the other side draws 20v and ramps up to .3amps then resets once and finally goes to 0amps. first time working on one that chip...
laptop came in with 5v not upvolting. checked the cd3215c's and r3169 has a bit of corrsion. cleaned it off and now its upvolting to 20v drawing 1amp. put the logicboard back in housing and i get a chime, but as soon as it boots to ssd it resets. i can hold option boot and it stays on, but...
Is it possible to upgrade 00165/00164 to 16gb ram? I've been done 8gb but these days on newer os they are running pretty slow. I have a 4gb 00165that customer sold to me instead of fixing and wanted to upgrade to 16gb if possible. If it can which ram type do i need?
was water damaged around audio ic/headphone jack. board was very clean no corrsion. was only getting 5v until i swapped out the cd3215 and now i have 20v .07amp draw. it is not turning on.