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  1. baker_jeff

    820-00165 - Liquid Damage

    I inspected the entire board very carefully and touched up any nasty solder, replaced a couple sketchy components. Board boots up nicely every time now. On to the next!
  2. baker_jeff

    820-00165 - Liquid Damage

    Plugged in external HDD.
  3. baker_jeff

    820-00165 - Liquid Damage

    Ok. So last night it did power up and give me backlight. This morning, I get fan spin, but no image or backlight. USB mouse does light up.
  4. baker_jeff

    820-00165 - Liquid Damage

    Ah ok thx, I am using genuine 85w charger. Diode mode 3v42 is 0.311 U7090: ... Went to measure and noticed R7080 was wiped off the map. Replaced... and I have green light and fan spin. I'll report back if there are further issues. As always, thanks :)
  5. baker_jeff

    820-00165 - Liquid Damage

    820-00165 - Terrible coffee damage First time I had to use the USC in quite a while. It's nice and clean now, but a handful of areas were affected I'm trying to work through. The first problem was PP3V42_G3H was shorted. I injected to try and find it... and the board got very hot on the left...
  6. baker_jeff

    820-3435 - Minor Liquid Damage, dead

    Ok... desperately searching PDF but no 0.47K resistor on the 3435 donor. Any suggestions for where you would commonly find one?
  7. baker_jeff

    820-3435 - Minor Liquid Damage, dead

    Do you mean "Force PM_DSW_PWRGD with 10K resistor to 3V3_S5" but with a 470k resistor instead?
  8. baker_jeff

    820-3435 - Minor Liquid Damage, dead

    Done, 0.035v after the resistor on PM_DSW_PWRGD. No change otherwise.
  9. baker_jeff

    820-3435 - Minor Liquid Damage, dead

    I have AMTECH from Rossman store :) . Done... no change.
  10. baker_jeff

    820-3435 - Minor Liquid Damage, dead

    I replaced SMC to be safe, no change in voltages on R1450. PM_DSW_PWRGD still 0.00v
  11. baker_jeff

    820-3435 - Minor Liquid Damage, dead

    Pin 2 of R1450 is truly 3.24v. R1450 is 330k as per schematic. Not sure why I got 1.528 before... sorry. PM_DSW_PWRGD is still 0.00v
  12. baker_jeff

    820-3435 - Minor Liquid Damage, dead

    Ah apologies, thanks for the explanation. RTC_RESET_L is 3.3v PCH_SRTCRST_L is 3.3v PCH_INTRUDER_L is 3.06v PCH_INTVRMEN is 3.2v S5_PWRGD is 3.4v R1450: Pin 1: 3.337v Pin 2: 3.24v
  13. baker_jeff

    820-3435 - Minor Liquid Damage, dead

    PCH_SRTCRST_L is 3.3v PCH_CLK32K_RTCX1 is 0.4v PM_DSW_PWRGD is 0.00v PCH_DSWVRMEN is 1.528v PM_BATLOW_L is 3.3v PP3V3_S5 IS 3.4V
  14. baker_jeff

    820-3435 - Minor Liquid Damage, dead

    820-3435 - Minor Liquid Damage, dead It was actually on when I got it. Shut it down for inspection and it hasn't come back on since. SMC Reset changes the magsafe light, and PPBUS is 8.6v. There was corrosion on U8005, and C8005 right beside it. I replaced both. I have PPBUS, PP3V42_G3H...
  15. baker_jeff

    820-00840 20V, 0A - PMIC?

    noticed a short on s5 with new PCIM, fixed the short, plugged in charger, and PCH released smoke. Thanks for your help and optimism.
  16. baker_jeff

    820-00840 20V, 0A - PMIC?

    I didn'd replace the resistor back to original (still the 10k I put in there). I will swap it out and report back.
  17. baker_jeff

    820-00840 20V, 0A - PMIC?

    Swapped the PMIC (twice, from 2 different donors) and no change either time. Starting to lose hope with this one.
  18. baker_jeff

    820-00840 20V, 0A - PMIC?

    Even with forcing the signal with 10k resistor (PMIC_SHUTDOWN_L = 3.3V), No PP5V_S5 or anything around U7650. Guess i need to get a PMIC stencil...
  19. baker_jeff

    820-00840 20V, 0A - PMIC?

    Awesome. Will try this shortly and report back. thanks again