Liquid damage with slight corrosion around U2890, U3500, Q7660. So slight that I thought brushing it off with alcohol would be enough to bring it back to life. Rest of the board looks mint.
No traces or pads corroded but I did replaced U2890, U3500, Q7660, Q7680 asa precaution with no change.
Taking 20V @ 0A. Cant see any shorts around U7650.
U7650 voltages are as follows:
Pin 1: 0V
Pin 2 (PP5V_S4): 0V
Pin 3: 0V
Pin 4 (P5VS4_EN): 0V
Pin 12 (P5VXX_EN): 0V
Pin 20 (S5_PWRGD): 0V
Pin 21 (P3V3S5_EN): 0V
Pin 29 (P5V5_S5): 0V
Diode mode and resistance to ground:
L7670: 0.407V 900 Ω
L7690: 0.353V 780 Ω
Diode mode at 5V_S5 is 0.410V
PP3V1_RTC: 3.1V
PP3V3_LDO3V: 3.3V
PP1V25_VREF: 1.23V
On this board, R7828 is the one present and reads 100kΩ
PMIC issue??? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
No traces or pads corroded but I did replaced U2890, U3500, Q7660, Q7680 asa precaution with no change.
Taking 20V @ 0A. Cant see any shorts around U7650.
U7650 voltages are as follows:
Pin 1: 0V
Pin 2 (PP5V_S4): 0V
Pin 3: 0V
Pin 4 (P5VS4_EN): 0V
Pin 12 (P5VXX_EN): 0V
Pin 20 (S5_PWRGD): 0V
Pin 21 (P3V3S5_EN): 0V
Pin 29 (P5V5_S5): 0V
Diode mode and resistance to ground:
L7670: 0.407V 900 Ω
L7690: 0.353V 780 Ω
Diode mode at 5V_S5 is 0.410V
PP3V1_RTC: 3.1V
PP3V3_LDO3V: 3.3V
PP1V25_VREF: 1.23V
On this board, R7828 is the one present and reads 100kΩ
PMIC issue??? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance