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  1. U

    MBA 2013 - 820-00164 - not charging - orange light

    Yes. When the U7100 is removed, the short is gone. Is there a verified worldwide source from which it can be bought?
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    MBA 2013 - 820-00164 - not charging - orange light

    I could finally continue the work on the board. I have removed those two resistors. I have found no U7140 (in the board view nor the schematic) ... you probably mean U7100. I also tried to beep C7121/2 and in case C7121 I got short. Unfortunately, the short is still there when the cap is...
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    MBA 2013 - 820-00164 - not charging - orange light

    I will have to get those resitstors what will take few days. Should I return the fuse already?
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    MBA 2013 - 820-00164 - not charging - orange light

    Q7180: 1/2 14.755V 3 5.998V 4/5 17.235V 6 14.108V 7-10 14.773V I have also tried to measure current sensing circuits and R7150/1/2 look good. R7120 looks also good, but R7121/2 have strange readings. Like 5.5kOhm and 324 kOhm. Definitely not 10 Ohm. Also, the fuse is still...
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    MBA 2013 - 820-00164 - not charging - orange light

    R7180 100.4 kOhm R7181 61.4 kOhm R7185 471.1 kOhm R7186 331.7 kOhm Resitors look good according to schematics. I made also D-S diode test on 7/8/9/10 -> 1/2 and 7/8/9/10 -> 4/5 on Q7180 with result around 0,52V. Opposite OL. All other D-S-G combinations were OL with beeper.
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    MBA 2013 - 820-00164 - not charging - orange light

    The battery is removed and also the F7140 is still removed. U7100: 1 0.0242V 2 13.3V 3 3.87V 9 0.033V 12 3.416V 13 3.383V 14 3.383V 15 0.0705V 17 3.215-3.268V oscilating 19 4.988V 20 4.742V 27 0.745-0.750V fluctuating Also, the current drawn is little...
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    MBA 2013 - 820-00164 - not charging - orange light

    The C7140 voltage is slowly oscilating between 3.08 - 3.30V after F7140 removal. Just to be clear, battery is not connected. Although, the orange light is on.
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    MBA 2013 - 820-00164 - not charging - orange light

    Appologies for my mistake. So the diode to the ground with red on the ground. I have used the beeper. L7320 0.0233V L7310 0.0233V L7430 0.238V L7630 0.177V L7130 0.153V L3095 0.533V L7701 0.431V L7560 0.370V L7520 0.440V And the PPBUS_G3H is realy 3.09V. Thank you
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    MBA 2013 - 820-00164 - not charging - orange light

    Hello, PP3V3_SUS has nothig, 0.003 mV respectively. U7501: 23 3.090 V 22 3.085 V 12 3.420 V 13 1.997 V 29 3.037 V 21 3.420 V Coils to ground both ends (value after settling down): L7320 14ohms beep L7310 14ohms beep L7430 ol short capacity...
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    MBA 2013 - 820-00164 - not charging - orange light

    PP3V3_S5 is dead zero. Not beeping to the ground, only short capacity beep. PP3V3_SUS is, if I understand the boardview correctly, available from the other side. I will be able to disassemble the computer in few days. Thanks Uli
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    MBA 2013 - 820-00164 - not charging - orange light

    Hello, my daughter's MB ceased to charge after she twisted the cable from a charger that it got shorted which fired a house breaker. The computer worked until the battery went dead. The orange light is on, but it draws only around 65 mA. The computer cannot be started with or without a...