Wrong chip installed. You put a 0005 chip on a board that had a 0084. Put a 0001 there. Good luck finding them....
It will crash as soon as you stress the GPU like this. Good 0001 chips are about $56 right now.
Depends if you get them from China or local of course. Last batch of 0001 a week ago I payed $57ish. Of course if you buy local add taxes and shipping and yeah....
Ive seen this before and i believe it may have more depth than just strapping.
In the past few weeks i put 005's on both samsung 1GB 084 boards and hynix ones too. All working good. Id be interested to know the brand of the VRAM installed and the actually capacity? (i imagine its 2.4/sam1gb) Also the straps you've populated? If thats the case why does it work on some boards and not others? Thanks
There is no valid strapping option for a 0005 and 1GB samsung VRAM on these boards. This machine will crash if you run "Heaven".
There is no valid strapping option for a 0005 and 1GB samsung VRAM on these boards. This machine will crash if you run "Heaven".
I'm not sure about the details, but I have had this exact issue before and no strapping option would work correctly. It may be some specific version of the Samsung VRAM chips, I don't know anymore. I just put the correct GPU there and problem solved.
Thing is, who cares really. It's not as if doing BGA jobs on these 2011 / 10s is going to last very much longer. These are 7 / 8 year old machnes now. Some china man has to smuggle chips out the factory under his hat, then get them acccross boarders, and who the fuck knows if in 2018 they will still be making these chips. Grab the chips and the money while you can. This cash cow has been well milked and runing dry IMO.
Id like to get to the bottom of this purely out of curiosity, but fair enough if your not intrigued.
Sure it's interesting, I just don't have time for interesting. 1x wife, 1x 15 yr old, 6x cats, 3x dogs, a car a house and my own business with zero staff since everyone I employ is a useless cunt.
Where's the tme man. If learning is advantageous then sure there is time. This is single case that is non-applicatble to any other aspect of life or business. It's also not going to get my wallet hard. You get me?