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Hello, i have 820-3209, I/O board was burned, now there is no sighns of life. No orange/green light on charger. 16.5v comes to Logic board. 9ahrtz is changed, but still same. what voltages should i measure?
Hello, i have found nominal lost on resistor: R7005 changed it.. Now light comes on. Mac works from charger and from battery. But if attach charger when battery is plugged q7080 and q 7085 burns.
have changed both q7080 and q7085 also u7000, but its same.Q burns and light dont come on.
Are you sure they are soldered on correctly, especially their thermal pads? Any chance you damaged them?
Maybe someone else has any idea because I don't understand how these will "burn" (even when under full load they shouldn't be), these do not have a simple path to ground and also the charger would immediately cut out if it were to happen.
Resistance to ground (in Ohms) on PPDCIN_G3H_INRUSH? Using an original adapter or chinese copy?
If you're sure everything is soldered on correctly you might want to try and replace Q7080/85 and U7000 all at the same time.