820-00165 Chimes, Backlight, but no booting


Sort of an interesting one here. Board had liquid, but was isolated in a few small areas. Replaced damaged components, and got fan/chime, but that's it. After chime, backlight comes on, but no image and no booting further. No flashing folder if I remove the SSD. No external video either. Keyboard backlight never turns on, so the board isn't getting to OSX. It's stopping immediately after chime and backlight.

BIOS and clock area both look great, and I assume they're fine since the unit chimes. Any idea where else to look? Any help appreciated.


Staff member
this is a candidate for the ultrasonic at 80c. 80c, 1 minute per side. I usually advocate 60c, but shorter time periods with higher temp when it is such mild corrosion under a chip that must be knocked loose.