Got 5V on charger and 0A, every few seconds it go to around 0.25A (so should switch to 20v) and then back to 0A.
Cant find any corrosion.
PPBUS 0.02V (0.440 in diode mode)
Removed F7000 and still on F7000/1 got 0.02V.
All diode valus on LDOs around all CD3215 are correct.
Voltages are correct as well (pulsing of course) just on all CD3215 PP1V1_UPC_XB_LDO_BMC is stable 0V (diode mode is correct).
Any idea?
Cant find any corrosion.
PPBUS 0.02V (0.440 in diode mode)
Removed F7000 and still on F7000/1 got 0.02V.
All diode valus on LDOs around all CD3215 are correct.
Voltages are correct as well (pulsing of course) just on all CD3215 PP1V1_UPC_XB_LDO_BMC is stable 0V (diode mode is correct).
Any idea?