820-00244 - No LCD or external after liquid damage


Got this with liquid damage around U817, U8250 as well as on the soundboard.

After cleaning I have a steady 1.5/1.8 and 3.3V in that area. Chips seem to be working.

I cannot get the LCD or external monitor to work. With both LCD connected and disconnected there is no signal via USB-C HDMI.

Macbook turns on and chimes and I have a response from the Capslock key. I have tried PRAM reset.


Staff member
Do you get 3V3/5V_S0SW_LCD, at least when chimes?
DP_INT_HPD should go high at same time.
Check with internal LCD connected, of course...


Well had liquid damage. And I don't have a spare one to test. But with a disconnected screen and turning on the machine I would have thought I will get something on the USBc HDMI output

Unless I get a spare LCD to test seems like I'm at a dead-end