820-00281-A A1707


Does having these voltages mean that the ub300/400 is working or isn't ? So even if I have these voltages, is there a possibility that it is still faulty?

PP3V3_UPC_TA_LDO / CB308 = 3,4 Volt
PP1V8_UPC_TA_LDOA / = 1,7 Volt
PP1V8_UPC_TA_LDOD = 1,8 Volt
PP1V1_UPC_TA_LDO_BMC = 1,1 Volt

1PP3V3_UPC_TB_LDO = 3,4 Volt
PP1V8_UPC_TB_LDOA = 1,8 Volt
PP1V8_UPC_TB_LDOD = 1,8 Volt
PP1V1_UPC_TB_LDO_BMC = 1,1 Volt


Staff member
You may have a problem on the data lines of JB500.
Even if UB300/400 are both good, can't work properly if some input is not good.


I tried with a full battery, it won't turn on.
I replaced UB300/400, same result.
When the battery is not plugged in, the jb500 side gets 5 volts. But when the battery is inserted, it turns to 19 volts. The device does not charge and does not turn on.
It's 19v when the battery is plugged in. When the battery is not plugged in, it is 5v.


Staff member
You must get same behavior on all USB-C ports.
You still have problems on USB-C areas, if can't switch to 20V without battery.