820-00850 drain battery


Cant find any corrosion on the board.
Tried three batteries and on all of them have the issue.
Mac drain battery when in sleep or even turned off.

In the evening battery level around 60% and in ther morning battery is 0%.
Same issue will three batteries.

I removed the board, connected battery and charger to boot then disconnected charger and shut down machine with PMU_ONOFF_R_L_CONN.
PPBUS was at 11.94V and after 18 hours drop to 11.70V

Another test was done with board only connected to the charger (system was shutdown) and it take 0.03 0.63W

I cant find any warm/hot spots with thermal camera.

Any idea if the issue is on board or some part which is connected to the board drain the battery?



Staff member
Check if G3S voltages disappear in off state.
Also check on good board, which voltages should remain present with battery alone.


G3S voltage are present in off state when on charger only and when on battery only.
I dont have good board around me at the moment.

I have similar board which is working fine 820-00923. Is G3S line like S5 or S4 state?
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