820-00923 Left side USB ports don't work


This was not spilled on. The left side USB ports don't work. I replaced the USB connector and it's still the same. The front one shows absolutely nothing on the USB meter. The back one shows 5V but no current. The right ports work fine. But just now, after trying the left rear port again, it said 20V (and no current) and the right ones didn't work. I did an SMC reset and they worked again. Any ideas? No visible signs of damage.


Staff member
You should have a problem with left side CD3215 chips.
Compare diode mode readings on therir power rails with right side ones.


Ok, you're right, the diode measurements for the LDO lines are really low. PP3V3_UPC_XA_LDO is at .035 and PP3V3_UPC_XB_LDO is at .085. Not sure what's pulling them down.