Got a strange one here. Board is in excellent shape, with no signs of corrosion or damage anywhere. When you try and turn it on, you hear it chime very faintly, and then it just keeps chiming over and over again and never turns on. Nothing on the screen and cap lock does not react. CPU VCORE is stuck at 0.930v at this time, so it appears to not be fully booting. I read that the chime loop can be caused by a bad bios, so I flashed a known good bios with a clean ME to this board. Now when I try to turn it on with just the charger and no battery, it does not chime at all anymore and CPU VCORE is still stuck at 0.930v, but the backlight on the internal screen is on now, but there is no image. If I connect a USB drive to it, the light lights up and flashes, indicating CPU is working, but the keyboard does not work in this state. No reaction from the caps lock key. I then tried to start it SMC bypass mode and it turns on with normal fan spin, not high fan like it normally does in SMC bypass, but now I get a low battery symbol on the screen for a few seconds and then it turns off. CPU VCORE is correct at 0.680v when I do SMC bypass and get the low battery symbol. I can only get that low battery symbol when trying to do an SMC bypass. If I try and connect the charger and the battery, CPU vcore is stuck at 0.930v again and now screen is completely off, no backlight. Do you think its a SMC issue since it seems to try and start is SMC bypass?