I got a 820-01598 that was liquid damaged around the trackpad connector and did not turn on. Trackpad connector was burned on PPVIN_S4_TPAD_FUSE. I cleaned the area and replaced the trackpad connector with a new one. All diode mode readings on the trackpad connector seemed to match a good board now, so I plugged the board in using another known good trackpad and it boots to the OS, but keyboard and trackpad do not work. I rechecked all diode mode values on the trackpad and keyboard connector and made sure there were no broken traces there. With the trackpad connected, I was not getting any voltage on TPAD_SPI_EN, which comes from the T2 chip. I removed U6855 and found I have OL on pin 1, which is not normal. Seems the trace between the T2 chip and pin 1 of U6855 is broken. I cannot run a wire without removing the T2 chip, which I do not want to do. Wondering if I can connect Pin 1 of U6855 to TPAD_3V3_SPI_INT_L, or some similar signal to make it work? Any ideas?