820-01598 - No Power


The charger was is entering protection mode.
After replacing C7809 - PP3V3_G3H_PMU_VDDMAIN the short is gone

Board is getting PP3V3_G3H 12..32V steady and no short anymore
The charger is supplying 20V - Amps is varying from 0.0350A to 0.0915A.

Faulty U7000
U7000 - CHGR_LX2 power cycling from 11.94V to 0V

SLPS2R and AWAKE voltages are cycling every 2 secs.

Please need some help.


Staff member
Faulty U7000, because you've checked a nonsense rail?
Don't make confusion with old MacBook models (buck converter); STOP to check L7030 coil (combined buck-boost converter in this case)!

"12..32V steady"
I hope that is PPBUS_G3H reading; F7000, for example.
Not fluctuating every 2s for sure?