820-02020 water damage


water damage but someone before me try to repair. there was short on c7800 on line pp5v_bstlq_vout_spmu. change it and now on aon i got 3,8v i feel that touchpad is working but cant get to dfu and dont start. dfu blaster dont see it too.


problem is whit charging, i leave him for night and it charge a little and start, i get even to recovery but cant instal system because its not charge , i saw that if i will switch off computer will charge when switch off but very slow. When use dfu blaster when i push dfu computer restart but i get informaton that wrong usb c is connected. is it possible that u7700 make some problem whit it? there was water damage near i can reball it if it could make problems.


did dfu restore and still the same whit charging, when its close it charge but very very slow. and when it work no charging.


work on charger whit battery
on batery no charging - working
on charger, battery disconected - not switching on