820-02098,A2442, CD3217 chip Problem


New member
Hello, This is CD3217(Left UG400) Problem.
I have no A2442 doner board. So I wolud like use other A2338, A2337, A2485 boards.
As I know it should be same board and same location? or Can I use other CD3217 A2337,A2338,A2485 etc..

And one more question. When I testing hot spot. CD3217 and also DZH620 geting warm.
I don't know what is DZG620 do. and Should I replace it also?


Staff member
CD3217 interchange should be possible between A2442 and A2485.

DZG620 is a protection diode; not so critical as Apple wants us think.
DG622 is much more important, being dedicated TVS diode.


New member
CD3217 interchange should be possible between A2442 and A2485.

DZG620 is a protection diode; not so critical as Apple wants us think.
DG622 is much more important, being dedicated TVS diode.
Thanks to reply.
Should I use same location CD3217 on A2485?


Staff member
Of course, maintain the position!

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