820-2530 dim green light

Im getting boot now Duke but the voltage on inrush going to R7021/22 on intial plug in will go to 16.8 then falls but if I twist the charger connection it will jump back up to 16.8. I have to do this a few times then it will hold 16.8 and boots up fine.

I tried new charger and DCIN board. Not sure whats causing that
With battery connected I seem to get proper boot everytime so not too worried about the boot without batt being inconsistant.

Issue is down to a temp sensor which ASD shows as being the Internal Die CPU temp sensor having an issue and causing fan to run on high. Is there a way to fix this or could I somehow just redirect the temp data from another line over that reads good?


Is that the only sensor failing? It is U5515 reading the diode in the CPU. So either bad U5515 or CPU or cracked trace under CPU