820-2530 Green Light, No Fan Spin, Nasty Looking LVDS Connector

Just got in an old board to practice on, it gets a green light on the charger, no fan spin.

PPBUS_G3H: 12.56v
PP3V3_S5 @ Q7930: 3.325v
PP5V_S3 @ L7260: 0v

Should I be checking where the 5V rail is generated or could it be a SLP_L problem?


there is no PP1V05_S5 showing in the board viewer I checked PP1V05_S0 and there is 0v.

You do have a schematic for this board, right ?

If so you'll see U7750 produces S5 power for the MCP.

Resistance to GND on the 3.42v rail is low, you could have a malfunctioning MCP.


Hmmm, 5.6K on 3V42 is probably a fucked MCP. If there was corrosion around U6990 then the MCP is dead for sure.