820-2879 no power

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New member
I have an 2879 with no power
initially came in a month ago for no green light no fan spin, fixed no green light by replacing R6905
was checking rails found 3.3v s3 missing, traced back to R7812, missing PM_SLP_S4_L
rabbit hole or not?


New member
SMC_PM_G2_EN R7273 pin1 3.406v, pin 2 0v, after replacing i get both sides 1.4 Vto 4V, could u7840 be bad? pin 4 u7840 is 0.398volts


"after replacing i get both sides 1.4 Vto 4V"

Well that is messed up. This means G2_EN is now pulsing? Pretty sure something around U7200 or U7200 is messed up.


New member
replaced u7200 no change, 1.6v on charger output, no shorts on pp3v3_s5
p5vs3_EN_L is 3.3V
p3v3s5_EN_L is 0.3v
smc_pm_g2_en 0.185v
removed u7840 and got 3.4v on pin 1, 1.28V on pin 2, 0.21V on pin 3, 3.3v on pin 6, 0.8v on pin 7, 0v on pin 8


New member
ok ive tested and, R7273 i get 0V, at pin2 u7840 i get 0V
so smc replacement? from what ive heard I have to pull another smc off the exact same model, is that right?


New member
that is right about the smc, needs to be the exact same model. first try to reflow the smc just in case a ball is corroded or not connected sometimes this works and saves time and a smc. if that does not work remove the replacement and old smc very well so that you can just seat the replacement without reballing it.


New member
ok reflow and no change, I dont have the exact board to replace it with so this will have to go on hold unless there are any other ideas
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