820-2915 Battery Not recognised in OS

This board came back in for a warranty repair, the initial problem was surge damage no power after the storm. ISL6259 was badly burned as well as R7051 and the traces to pins 16,17, and 18 of U700 had to be replaced with wires. The problem is now the system does not see a battery inside the OS, when the BIL is connected the green light turns off on the charger. The computer will not stay on when the MagSafe is disconnected while in the OS, the screen goes dark however the fans continue to spin as though it was on.

J6950 Voltages With Battery Connected:

Pin 1: 0.008 v
Pin 2: 0.007 v
Pin 3: 0.007 v
Pin 4: 3.449 v
Pin 5: Bounces around never gets higher than 0.063 v
Pin 6: 3.449 v but cycles down to around 0.1 v
Pin 7: 12.26 v
Pin 8: 12.26 v
Pin 9: 12.26 v

J6950 Without Battery:

Pin 1: 0 v
Pin 2: 0 v
Pin 3: 0 v
Pin 4: 3.457 v
Pin 5: 0 v
Pin 6: Same as with the battery connected however the peak is 3.457 v
Pin 7: 12.34 v
Pin 8: 12.34 v
Pin 9: 12.34 v