820-3437 spaffy wifi issues.


Hey. Got an 820-3437 that came in with strange fault and almost no sign of liquid damage.
Fan would only spin up once and it wouldn't post.
I ran it through the ultrasonic cleaner- It came out working, but has a strange wifi issue.
Sometimes it will have wifi at boot menue but not in OSX
Sometimes it will have wifi in OSX but not boot menue
Sometimes it will have no wifi at all.

ive checked all wifi stuff, tried other cards, Its symptoms randomly change when a PRAM reset is performed.

Im started to wonder if the CPU is on its way out and the heat of baking after an ultrasonic clean has temporarily bought it back to life.


No WiFi hardware or no WiFi reception?

Hardware (well in OSX atleast) never easy to tell in boot menu.

But as i say it disappears and re-appears whenever it feels like it and there is no liquid damage or corrosion.

The diode mode readings from the wifi connector are very similar to a working board other than a couple pins that go directly to the CPU


Could be the caps in the PCI-E lines, or power to the card. No way to tell unless you can catch the card not getting power. Must be crap somewhere, give the area some flux and some heat, also the SMC while you are at it.