820-3536-A dead


I ve got a macbook pro model A1502 with board number 820-3536-A with a the problem that the battery does not charge till 100%. After 40% it stops charging.
The laptop stays on my shop for a while waiting for the battery from china that after waiting 5 weeks it seems that the supplier didn t send it. Then I ve ordered the second one. After waiting alomost 3 months on the battery shows up, I ve placed it, but on my surprise the laptop did not want to start. After the first check I ve noticed that Q7010 got PPDCIN_G3H at the source but no voltage is passed to the Drain. The reason was because the Gate has a high voltage. After looking well I ve seen that the DIODE D7010 was absent. Maybe a nail s work.

Next problems shows up, because I didnot had such diode. I ve used a resistor there instead of a diode just to be able to troubleshoot verder. I ve loweradge the voltage at the gate to let the Q7010 pass the voltage the drain.
Now first problem was solved, but the problem is still the same. Mac does not want to boot.

I ve checked some coils to ground, like L7130 and L7520 and they give short to ground. The next check shows up that the U7700 does not looks well like if it was explodes. I ve lifted it but the short still on both coils.

Any hind is welcome.




Did you leave it without power for a while before measuring the short on L7130 and L7520? How low is the short in Ohms?
5 days ago already said that the short is on both coils. and just before writing my last post my answer was still there. now i don't see it anymore. strange!!!

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I have no idea what you are doing. One day you have shorts now you don't. I cannot give advice if your measurement don't make sense.
You need to leave the board without power for a few minutes before measuring.
Are you using a REAL 60W charger? It should auto power on with a good 60W charger
Short is always there. And detecting the short on both coils is done without the charger plugged.
hope this will make sense.
and yes i have the original charger 85w brought by the customer
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That would suggest Q7520 is at least shorted. Replace Q7520 and U7501 together. Then check for shorts before powering up again.


Look at diagram, there is nothing else connected to pin 2 of L7520. Only parts there that can cause a short are L7520, Q7520 and U7501.
Appologies, i ve made a mistake. instead of saying pin1 of the coil L7520, I said Pin2.
what I ve done so far is lifting the 4 caps: C7550, C7571, C7552 and C7553. but the short is still there on pin1 of coil L7520. it is coming from PP5V_S4. but at the other coil L7560 no short is there at the line PP3V3_S5.
I ve realised that the coil L7130 is also shorted. After lifting it the short was noticed at pin2.
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I ve injected 5V on pin1 of the coil L7520, the fan begins spinning while the CPU is not getting hot niether other part on the board. only the speed of the fan changes when increasing or decreasing the PP5V_S4 at pin1 of L7520.
by the way the ic U7500 and U7501 are out of board when injecting 5v. also the two coils L7520 and L7531 are lifted.
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On my first post I already said that 2 coils give short. L7520 and L7130. so on L7130 short is also present.
(Not L7531 ).

now after injecting 5V at pin1 of coil L7520. i can measure on buzzer mode 0.011 in stead of 0.003 what I always measure even after half hour . but on coil L7130 pin 2 the short is 0.002.
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