820-3662-a backlight but probably no picture (?)

Thank you for the quick reply!
I tried that bios as it supposed to arrive quicker than the programmer. At least some progress :)
I've dumped the BIOS - I hope I have done it right - chose first model after running autodetect. File is too large for me to upload here but here is the google drive link to it

I would love to learn to program them right myself - checked a few videos already. Do you have a recommendation on learning material?

Thank you for the bios.
I've programmed the chip, poped it on and it booted straight away.
Issue is it wont do that again. I shut it down and its back to square one :/
the chip is on the board - checked the legs and pads.
No chime now :/
ok. when i unplug the battery and let it like that for a couple of minutes then it boots again, only once thou. But i can alwatys repeat it and it starts up. ASD is showing some new errors: Detected Trackpad Error (trackpad works), ERROR 8000000E when testing SensorGroupLimits.prm. Biggest issue i guess that when asd tried testing Sleep?wake it went black - fans spinning and nothing - had to disconnect the battery after 20 min
:( I know next to nothing about the board repair - my guess is that some static builds up and wont drain until I disconnect the battery - when i disconnect the battery and touch the bios legs with a metal tool I can plug the battery back in and it boots without waiting


Could it be a faulty trackpad? I've fixed a macbook air that only enter safemode. The faulty trackpad's cursor is working fine. But its keep entering safemode and making system super slow to boot. so i swapped the trackpad then did a pram reset and everything working afterward. Yes without pramreset, the system still entering safemode.

I then put the faulty trackpad into other macbook for testing and its causing entering safemode again and pramreset was require.
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Yes BIOS has clean ME. I doubt the trackpad would cause this, but disconnect it. Fans will run high and machine will be slow but it should work.
I did disconnect the trackpad - chime, white screen , no logo, but i think its because it was off for long. when trying again i got no chime black screen.
I will go through the whole board again maybe I missed something