Ok this one has gotten me completely stumped. Initially the macbook came in with water damage and the keyboard wasnt working. Opened it up and found Pin 4 of J4813 was burned away also some corrosion around Q7520. Replaced J4813 and cleaned up the area around Q7520 - turned on got to the boot selection screen tested the keyboard to find some keys are still not functional. Tried it once more with a new keyboard and looks like working fully with the new keyboard. Replaced the keyboard in the case plug everything back in - turns on but no display or chime but CPU is getting warm, do some more troubleshooting find out it turns on fine and goes to the flashing folder screen without the touchpad connected. Quick inspection of the touchpad later see some corrosion on there and decide best option is to replace the touchpad and cable. Fitted the new touchpad testing once more before plugging it in that the machine still gives the flashing folder screen which it did, plug the new touchpad in and same problem as before no display, no chime. Think i'll just unplug the touchpad and hopefully get back to where I was before but no even with no other parts connected other than Screen and Magsafe port I get no display or chime. Tried external display also no display, also USB mouse isnt lighting up either. Tried PRAM reset with external keyboard but nothing.
Checked some voltages:
I have CPU VCore and cpu is warming up
SMC_LID is High
PPBUS is 12V
PP5V_S0 is 5V
PP3V3_S0 is 3.3V
What I have done to try to rectify the issue so far:
Removed Q7520 and replaced - same
Inspected board for other signs of corrosion finding a tiny amount around C7372 which I have removed, also a tiny amount around pins 1 and 2 of u7700 which i have cleaned up
Removed the glue around the SMC and reflowed it with flux
As it stands now i've reached a point where I could use some pointers in the right direction as to what to check/try next to get this board functioning properly again. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
Checked some voltages:
I have CPU VCore and cpu is warming up
SMC_LID is High
PPBUS is 12V
PP5V_S0 is 5V
PP3V3_S0 is 3.3V
What I have done to try to rectify the issue so far:
Removed Q7520 and replaced - same
Inspected board for other signs of corrosion finding a tiny amount around C7372 which I have removed, also a tiny amount around pins 1 and 2 of u7700 which i have cleaned up
Removed the glue around the SMC and reflowed it with flux
As it stands now i've reached a point where I could use some pointers in the right direction as to what to check/try next to get this board functioning properly again. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!