I've got a display that comes from a dead A2159 and I don't have another machine of that kind to test it.
Physically it looks similar to the display of an A1708.
Are they compatible parts ? Can I put it in an A1708 in order to test it ?
And then, for the sake of completeness, same question but the other way around: will an A2159 accept a display that comes from an A1708 ?
I've got a display that comes from a dead A2159 and I don't have another machine of that kind to test it.
Physically it looks similar to the display of an A1708.
Are they compatible parts ? Can I put it in an A1708 in order to test it ?
And then, for the sake of completeness, same question but the other way around: will an A2159 accept a display that comes from an A1708 ?