A2159 No Power To Board


New member
Firstly I'd like to say that everyone at the Rossman Group does absolutely fantastic work. My hat's off to you.

I'm working on an A2159 board which is not booting or showing any signs of life.

Testing all the main power rails PPv20, PPv5, PP3v3, etc. I'm not getting more than 0.3V. anywhere.
There are no shorts on any of these main power rails.

My assumption at this point is that the USB-C board is the culprit, but is there something else I might be missing?


Staff member
First of all, wlecome to the forum!

As basic rule, always post 820-xxxxx code of the board, in the thread title.
Do you get any indication on USB-C meter?


New member
Board code 820-01598
After a bit more testing I found that I'm getting 12V to the PPVIN G3H rail with the USB-C plugged in.
I don't have a USB-C Meter until the 21st, but I am getting a ~10mA AC draw from the charger (assuming 100-200mA DC to the board).

I've also tested the two GAY chips (U7710 and U8110) for shorts to ground, neither are shorted.


Staff member
"I'm getting 12V to the PPVIN G3H"
Do you mean PPBUS_G3H at F7000?

Check for liquid sign at audio board and flex.
Post F7000 voltage w/ and w/o battery connected.