A2941 - Liquid on Keyboard


New member

the macbook had a burnt USB-C Connector, battery charging fine, no shorts found till now, Backlight on display working, but i can't see picture - so tried to connect external display, and same here, background light on, but no image here?

on the board itself there was no liquid damage, when i turn off the device, i can see red lines on the right side for milliseconds.

i don't know where i should start, because the shematics i found is not 100% completed.

first i thought there is a flexgate or something like that, but no, it was red-wine :D

Thermal camera tells me nothing over 38 degrees when turning on - and my guess is starting on the burnt USB-C Port controller, but fuse is not gone. and not shorted.


Staff member
USB-C area shouldn't affect internal video.

Missing both internal/external video, points to CPU damage...


Staff member
Do you get USB activity?

You can try DFU restore, if no SSD data needed.

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