Branson EC banned in UK - any alternatives?


New member
Heres an option available on tendie and i believe they sale overseas. Ive been following them for a while, but have not purchased. The only definitive good thing i can say about them is that i have never found anything bad said about them.

I recently emailed the owner. He was very savvy in regards to subject matter and will inform you on best options based on your needs. Company is called VIBRATO.


New member
I posted link to 80khz unit, but as per manfucturers recommendation the 60khz unit is probably better suited. Sorry, i was being lazy again.


I´m in México and I buy it on Mouser, ive seen it on Newark, as far as i know is the same as Farnell, but seems Farnell does not have.....


New member
aprendiz Can you tell me how much is you're ultrasonic cleaner tank and how much purified water do you add and how much Chemtronics ES132 you add? I just ordered it from Mouser.


Depends of the number of boards i have cleaned, but if I clean 10 motherboards in a week, this pay the bi-destilled water, the galon of ES132 and almost the ultrasonic cleaner, I can put 3 boards at the same time without any problem, the mix stays there until the motherboard came out a bit dirty... Till then I change the solution.... I have a crest CP-575 too and use it when i have only one motherboard to clean...


New member
Can you say if i have 1 liter ultrasonic so how much should i add ES132? This is just a example. I think i have about 3 liter ultrasonic?