Compatibility of peripherals between boards of the "same family"


New member
I have a mackbook A1278 820-2327-A and I 820-2530-A loose board which needs repairing.

My question is:
Can I use the magsafe dc-jack from the 820-2327-A macbook with the 820-2530-A board?
Are they compatible? How about the peripherals? Both boards are for A1278 macbooks.
Does it mean the peripherals of one model are compatible with those of the other?

Is there a way to infer compatibility between componets on different boards beloung to the same
family - ie. all A1278 mackbooks, for example?

On the Apple site @ for each model a model Identifier and
one or more Part Numebers are provided. Does it mean a componet of a certain part Number is compatible
with all laptops listing it?

I am trying to see if there is a reliable method to establish compatibility bewteen parts, without taking a trail
and error approach which could results in some components getting bricked.


Staff member
First of all, welcome to the forum!

DCIN board is compatible, just be sure cable lenght is OK.
Not all peripherals are the same for all A1278; just compare corresponding connectors on the schematic and boardview.
iCore models have different connector for wireless/bluetooth; not compatible with C2D models.