HP Board chip ID.


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A shop gave me an HP board which went dead when they were replacing a broken screen.

I found a 2.2Ohm resistor which was burnt out so checked in diode mode to ground and found it to be almost a dead short. When I put some current on the resistor the chip in the image gets hot, but I can't find what it is.

Can anyone identify it?


Forget it, they didn't remove the battery and shorted out 19V to the BKL EN or PWM which fries the keyboard controller. That chip gets hot because the LDO is powering the KBC and runs into a short.


Replacing the KBC will probably fix it. These new boards usually have KBC with firmware so you will need to flash that through the keyboard connector. I doubt this is worth the effort if you never do these kind of boards.

It's the ENE chip near the battery connector, check some caps around it for short to GND.