iMac 27in Mid 2010 backlight


Thanks Louis and Duke, haven't been on here in ages which means somebody is building up his repotoire of knowledge and skill!

Anyway am stumped and looking for advice today.

Mid 2010 IMac 27in. Backlight is gone however it does randomly come back on for no apparent reason. Then goes off again just as randomly. Can see image with torch and when plugged in to external monitor.
I figured intermittent problem with led's so I changed inverter board out of working 27in. Same issue. Then swapped cables and then finally the whole LCD.
No matter the combo of parts the backlight is very inconsistent as to when it works or not.
The two screen are almost identical part number LM270WQ1 (SD) (C1) whilst the other is same except (C2) at then end.
So could it be the power supply? Or the ever so failable GPU??
ASD is only working efi not OS so hard to tell there if anything is up. EFI ASD is not suggesting anything.


I have had this issue caused by a bad power supply but that was on 21" models. GPU is also suspect, so yeah sucks. Try a known good PSU first.