Is this more of a software thing? MacBook Pro sn c02hng7jdv13

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New member
The computer is back together, but not switching on. When trying to switch on from battery only the cpu fans spins for maybe 2 seconds then stops. The power light comes on in that time and then goes off when the fan stops. When connecting to power, the fans starts to spin for 2 seconds, then stops and starts again. Still will not switch on. I tried a p tram reset just in case and nothing happens so it isn't switching on. When power is connected, the light on the connector lights up green then goes red. Has something gone wrong with the programming or am I diagnosing a power problem?


You didn't correctly flash the chip, put in in the wrong way, killed the chip or killed something else. I have no way of telling.

Pull chip and verify it was correctly flashed, check orientation. If that all is OK then flash back original file, it is possible I messed up of course.
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