Hi there,
I am glad to be a member of this community and here is my first post
I managed to fix a 820-3437 Board by removing a short to ground on PP3V42.
I had to replace some Caps getting very hot when I was injecting 3.4V with my bench power supply.
Furthermore i had to replace the Con-Board flex cable. The pins where burned to dust!
After all that the fan went on - off - on - off - on - off - on and finally it remains on and everything seems to work and my work were done right? Not really
ASD reports PPBUS is too low and I measure 7.6V on the whole rail. I don´t think something is shorting to ground since nothing gets really hot.
Furthermore all the resistors in the ISL6259 area measure good values...
So what did you think about this problem?
Should I follow the rabbit or leave the machine as is?
--> The customer has his machine already back for data backup since the machine works and he knows about the issue and he will report unusual behavior.
I am glad to be a member of this community and here is my first post
I managed to fix a 820-3437 Board by removing a short to ground on PP3V42.
I had to replace some Caps getting very hot when I was injecting 3.4V with my bench power supply.
Furthermore i had to replace the Con-Board flex cable. The pins where burned to dust!
After all that the fan went on - off - on - off - on - off - on and finally it remains on and everything seems to work and my work were done right? Not really
ASD reports PPBUS is too low and I measure 7.6V on the whole rail. I don´t think something is shorting to ground since nothing gets really hot.
Furthermore all the resistors in the ISL6259 area measure good values...
So what did you think about this problem?
Should I follow the rabbit or leave the machine as is?
--> The customer has his machine already back for data backup since the machine works and he knows about the issue and he will report unusual behavior.