Macbook Air M2 Lid Angle Sensor Issue.


When we close the LID, the device goes off to sleep. But when we open the lid the machine restarts and turns back on.
I got the LAS changed from Apple. Still the issue persists.
Board is clean.

Even if we dont close the LID. if the device goes to sleep the same thing happens.
Even with LAS disconnected this happens
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Did DFU restore . Still the same.
Once DFU restore is done the sensor doesnt work. Put the machine to sleep manually. It reboots. Port Reboot now the LAS sensor works but the issue persists - not everytime - but happens 2nd or 3rd Time. i Have attached the kernel panic as well.

panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffe001b8212a8): DCP PANIC - ASSERT!AppleDCPDPTXPowerController.cpp:538 No device added after powering on the rails. HPD=0 - dcpav(27)

ASSERT!AppleDCPDPTXPowerController.cpp:538 No device added after powering on the rails. HPD=0

RTKit: RTKit-2419.120.45.release - Client: local-ipad14dcp.RELEASE

!UUID: c9ec7307-40ef-3a92-8ffa-2401fdb3638f

Time: 0x00000000ce791d30

Faulting task 27 Call Stack: 0x000000000001eae0 0x000000000001e4d0 0x000000000001e2d4 0x0000000000017594 0x0000000000058540 0x00000000000fde50 0x000000000001f228 0x00000000000fdba4 0x0000000000058438 0x00000000001080dc 0x00000000000fd7c8 0x000000000001ef54 0x0000000000019e3c


Staff member
Tried another macOS version?
Change security settings accordingly and boot another macOS version from USB.


With Internal Screen Disconnected. I am putting the machine to sleep manually and it wakes up just fine.
LID open close wont work now. But manual sleep and wake is fine. Tried 2-3 times.