Mapping TP and Keyboard


New member
This is for a MBA 11". I have a new TP for a MBA 11". The function keys don't work, just "error chime". The seller of the TP said this is to be expected for a new oem part... well here is what they said. I was wondering if anyone knows about this.

"Thanks for getting in touch! What you're describing is expected behavior for a new OEM part. Please netboot the unit while connected to your local AST 2 server, and run Trackpad Keyboard Mapper to write the appropriate regional information to the device firmware. For additional details, please reference GSX article TP1016."

Is this only for certified Apple technicians?


yep, AST2 only, unless someone starts taking dumps of the TP flash for each keyboard version.

Time to find a friendly AASP. or tell Apple Store function buttons stopped working.


Staff member
There is some program that you can use to remap the keys. I'm going to ask what they use tomorrow. I haven't replaced a keyboard since 2013. :)


Find another trackpad that is matching your keyboard or get someone with AST to set the trackpad to the correct keyboard.
If you dick around with a software solution this will screw up after a reinstall or update.