the customer say before intermittent start, but now no boot, green led and pass to orange without battery.
i check this voltage
PPDCIN_G3H = 16,84V
PPVIN_G3H_P3V42G3H = 16,33V
PPBUS_G3H_R = 12,57V
PPVIN_G3H_P3V42G3H = 3,427V
SMC_BC_ACOK = 3,387V
SMC_ONOFF_L = 3,415V
SMC_PM_G2_EN =3,414V
PP3V3_S5 = 3,335V
no liquid, the board is clean, what can i do?
the customer say before intermittent start, but now no boot, green led and pass to orange without battery.
i check this voltage
PPDCIN_G3H = 16,84V
PPVIN_G3H_P3V42G3H = 16,33V
PPBUS_G3H_R = 12,57V
PPVIN_G3H_P3V42G3H = 3,427V
SMC_BC_ACOK = 3,387V
SMC_ONOFF_L = 3,415V
SMC_PM_G2_EN =3,414V
PP3V3_S5 = 3,335V
no liquid, the board is clean, what can i do?