Question for anyone with Crest CP500D


New member

I have my shiny new CREST CP500D here and I am afraid of killing my boards, all of which are Pro Retina boards and I have nothing cheaper to test it on.
I have watched the YouTube video and one part of a sentence Louis spat out is sticking in my mind. It went something like "be cognizant that you can kill a working board"

I have good aqueous solution and deionized water.
Has anyone managed to kill a board with this machine even when following common sense?
I haven't killed any yet. But i only leave boards in for around 2 minutes each side at 65C. Then I let it sit in isopropyl alcohol for a few minutes.


New member
I have a 575DA it's similar and I have done the same (2 min @ 65C) on a iPhone 6 board and it went in with water damage and no power and came out working fine. Just follow the directions and give it a good alcohol bath and then I let blow dry with my air filter at room temp for a bit and then bake it at 250F for 30min just to get all the moisture out of it.


New member
I had been using US-SO-FLU solution from UK and it's a load of old bollocks! Now using ES132 works better.