This board had liquid damage around the LCD area and the connector/cable were burned. I replaced all the components around the LCD connector, the connector and the LVDS cable. When I plugged in the new lvds cable I got 0v on backlight at the connector. I had 3.32v on BKL_PWM and 0v on BKL_EN at one point. I replaced the 2 BKL_EN resistors but that didn't fix the bkl_en issue.
I put a new fuse on there but I ended up seeing there was 0v on Pin 2 of F7700. I put a couple more fuses on there and they kept blowing. I replaced Q7706/7 again and put another fuse on there and it blew again.
I'm not sure what could be causing this. I'm not sure if this is noteworthy but I did previously plug in the damaged LVDS to see if I had an image so I don't know if that damaged the connector internally.
The LP8550 area is spotless and I am seeing an image on the screen.
R7788/89 measure the proper resistance.
I put a new fuse on there but I ended up seeing there was 0v on Pin 2 of F7700. I put a couple more fuses on there and they kept blowing. I replaced Q7706/7 again and put another fuse on there and it blew again.
I'm not sure what could be causing this. I'm not sure if this is noteworthy but I did previously plug in the damaged LVDS to see if I had an image so I don't know if that damaged the connector internally.
The LP8550 area is spotless and I am seeing an image on the screen.
R7788/89 measure the proper resistance.