[SOLVED]820-00165 battery symbol on display


Small liquid damage on U7100.
PPDCIN_G3H had jumpy voltage 5V-11V.

R7180 on pin 1 was damaged, pad on board was burned out so I did jumper from pin 1 C7184.
Now I got only battery symbol on display.

Tested with:
- 2 DC boards
- 2x 85W genuine charger
- 1 65W genuine charger
- 2x new battery

Replaced U7100 same issue.

Without battery there is only light on charger. No fan spin.

- with charger 16V (with or without battery)
- without charger 6.5V (with flat batt), 7.1V (batt with 20% charge)

It won’t charge when battery is flat.
I connected battery with 20% and works fine, its charging battery as well but when battery is flat there is battery symbol on display.

17/18 3.4 ohms
27/28 20 ohms (There was a few million ohms before. Duke suggested in other post to check trace between R7121/22 and R7120 and there was not connected. Did jumper from pin 2 R7121 to pin 4 R7120 and pin 2 R7122 to pin 3 R7120).

Any ideas?


PPBUS at 16V with the charger is a problem, it should NEVER go over 12.6V. This would indicate a shorted Q7130 or a bad ISL6259 or the traces to Q7130. Replace Q7130 and U7100 together as 1 may kill the other.


Replaced U7100 and Q7130 and PPBUS is now 8.5V,

Still the same issue: battery symbol on display.

Checked R5380 and R5381 both showing correct 2.0K ohms.


I connected clients battery, but was flat.
Battery symbol what on display but after a few minutes battery start to charge and MacBook turns on.
All works - issue solver.

Many thanks