[SOLVED]820-2330-A Green light no power


New member
hey all! I have an 820-2330-A MacBook 2008 15" that has a green light on the charger but won't start either by pressing power button or shorting the power on pads.

Q6910 Pin 1=16.93v Pin 2=5.73 Pin 6=16.93v

Q6915 Pin 2=2.3v Pin 3=7.39v Pin 5=0v Pin 6=0v

U6915 Pin 1=8.05v Pin 3=3.28v Pin 4=0v Pin 5=16.90v

R6911 Pin 1= 16.93v Pin 2=5.72v

R6912= Pin 1=5.7v Pin 2=0v

R6910 Pin 1=2.30v Pin 2=2.30v

C6910 Pin 1=2.3v

Q6920 Pin 1=3.36v Pin 2=7.38v Pin 3=3.36v Pin 4=3.36v Pin 5=7.38c Pin 6=3.36v

C7771 Pin 1=1.08v

I haven't worked on one of these so I'm not sure what I'm missing. I also don't have another model of this board to reference. Any help would be appreciated!


Staff member
If you get green light on magsafe, means SYS_ONEWIRE circuit is working...
Does it switch to amber when battery is connected?
Check resistance to ground at L6995 on 200K scale.
Do you get correct voltage at F7040?
PM_PWRBTN_L reacts when pressing power button?
Also check RTC signals and PM_BATLOW_L.


New member
There was some funky stuff going on with the via between Q6915 & R6912 so I replaced them both and ran a jumper in it's place. After that, computer starts normally and all measurements are accurate and battery is detected and charging. Thanks for your help!